Works well
Wasn't expecting it to work all that well. All pieces came intact and does a great job at making sure your weed doesn't burn your tongue
Hate the taste of ash in your throat? Simply drop a glass jack screen into the pipe and you're ready to go. About an 1/8 of an inch across and comes in a 3 pack of assorted colors.
Wasn't expecting it to work all that well. All pieces came intact and does a great job at making sure your weed doesn't burn your tongue
Does as advertised. Haven't used a lot.
Absolutely no ash goes in my mouth when I use these but one came broken
your hole to big? Throw a jack in there and your good to go! Just make sure not to throw them away by accident.
Glass screens are awesome for glass pipes. End of story.
Works great<br><br><br><br><br><br>
They work great in smaller glass pipes..they do the job but Easy to lose when ashing
"These were just right for a old pipe of mine,although lost one when dumped ashes."
"I have tried both the jack and the flower. The jack seems to have a little too much side room,so that ash gets through. not a big fan."
"Great Screen for smoking. Although you do get ash coming through,it beats using the metal screen. The taste is much better. I use the glass filter with a pipe not a water pipe. I use coffee filters to accomplish an ash free smoke. What I do is tape a piece of coffee filter having been cut just the right size for the pipe and poke holes in the coffee filter. I get at least 20 filters out of one coffee filter. The pattern of the holes on the filter being similar to those on the square storm drain covers. "