Batter Up
"On the chairlift,on the slopes time for a break,the common folk think I'm the Marlboro man."
"On the chairlift,on the slopes time for a break,the common folk think I'm the Marlboro man."
Same one the shop on my block sells for $10
I use my Dugout a lot. It's discreet when that is a necessity. This fits my large aluminum dugout perfectly. These are well constructed and cheap enough to keep one or two as a spare in case you lose one.
I myself like the product and like the idea of it coming to my front door
"All out there for price,quality,sellers,shipping....enjoy ;)<br><br><br><br><br>"
Perfect replacement bat for a dugout. Nothing is more stealth than this while sneaking a toke!
"My husband uses this,and I have as well. When he uses it,I even sometimes think he is smoking a cigarette. Great product!"
"You can never have too many of these. They get lost,stolen,or too clogged. At this price you can buy a few to replace old ones in dugouts."
"Awesome,cool but tastes like aluminum"