Works perfectly
"These bags are amazing,they completely conceal smells,they aren't flimsy and the seal works great. Definitely a must for discretion."
"These bags are amazing,they completely conceal smells,they aren't flimsy and the seal works great. Definitely a must for discretion."
These are great! smell proof and reusable
"These baggies are great. I was skeptical of how well they would retain smell,but they really do work great. No one will suspect a thing."
Love 'em. And they fit in the humidor when packed full!!
"Love them. They hold enough,and are oderless"
"As you read through the reviews to see how well this product holds up to its description,I hope this review in particular catches your eye. These baggies are not only completely smell proof as stated,but also very heavy duty,reusable,and the perfect size! So if you are undecided on whether or not you should pay so much for baggies,let me tell you,these are worth their weight in gold."
Finally a good portable baggy to keep the stinky away. I would only add that they could come in a darker color for more camo
These work Great much better then expected!
"Nothing special here,but for the price it's a pretty decent stash bag. Keeps smell out great so overall a good product."
These work great and I like having 2 sizes!